Tiny Times 2.0 2013

Tiny Times 2.0


Release Date

Hong Kong

Original Title

Hong Kong Title
Tiny Times 2.0

Plot Synopsis

Day by day, Lin Xiao (Yang Mi), Lily (Kuo Tsai Chieh), Nan Xian (Kuo Bea Ting) and Ruby (Sie Yi Lin) are soon graduated. When all are busy for career planning after graduation, Lily is fully occupied for her own birthday party, which is usually the biggest event for between these girls. However, nobody has ever known that this birthday party will turn a feast into a fierce battle. The ugly past between Lily and Nan Xian's boyfriend, Xi Cheng (Jiang Chao), has been disclosed which beating everyone's life harshly.

The car accident of Lily's father made Shen Ku Group in the crisis of being merged by Constanly Group. When Lily paid her full attention to fight with Constanly Group, Gu Yuan's mother also asked Gu Yuan (Kai Ko) to purchase Shen Ku Group. A fight not only for business but also for love has been started between Lily, Gu Yuan, Gong Ming (Rhydian Vaughan).

Lin Xiao and her boyfriend, Jian Xi, has become far away from each other due to some misunderstanding. Meanwhile, Lin Xiao spent a lot of time to take care of Chong Guang (Cheney Chen) and soon built up a deeper relationship between them. When Jian Xi is planning to leave Shanghai, Lin Xiao rushed to the airport to save the relationship. However, she failed and witnessed the most heartbreaking movement. Lin Xiao walked out with a broken heart and Chong Gang was waiting outside for her. Then she finally knows whom she should belong to.

A series of accidents made Lily experiences the most horrible time in her life. Lin Xiao, Ruby and Nan Xian are also facing rise and fall after graduation. Can these girls treasure their life after tremendous changes in family, career, love and friendship?

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